One Piece Netflix Nami. The original anime series has also joined Netflix in some regions. The show was ordered for 10 episodes at Netflix back in January.
Nami was one of the first members of the Straw Hat Pirates. The show was ordered for 10 episodes at Netflix back in January. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS MOVIES.
In addition to the manga 20 seasons of the One Piece anime series have been released to date along with 14 animated films.
Luffy Nami Sanji and the whole Straw Hat crew are coming to life. Netflix is revealing a major live-action anime adaptation later this week with the arrival of Cowboy Bebop though recent news has given. Matt Winkelmeyer Getty Images Who is directing and producing the live-action One Piece remake. Luffy sails with his crew of Straw Hat Pirates through the Grand Line to find the treasure One Piece and become the new king of the pirates.